Paul McCartney Wants You To Go Meat-Free On Mondays

Before Thursday’s show in Berlin, Paul McCartney took a trip to Brussels, Belgium, to speak to the European Parliament and the head of the U.N.’s global climate change panel about his “Meat-Free Mondays” campaign.

The issues behind “Meat-Free Mondays” are complicated but the campaign is simple. To get involved, all you have to do is give up meat at least one day a week to take a stand against the environmental effects of meat production and consumption. The non-profit campaign’s Web site points out that going meat-free can really help out because “livestock production is responsible for 18% of global greenhouse gas emissions – that’s more than the entire transport sector.”

McCartney, a well-known vegetarian, told reporters that he “grew up as a kid not eating meat on Fridays. It was part of the rules of the school I went to.”

He added that now there are “even more crucial reason” to give up meat.

The crucial reasons are explained on the Meat-Free Mondays Web site, including contributing less pollution, making a political statement, helping alleviate world hunger, making a step towards better health and helping to protect animal rights.

Rajendra K. Pachauri, the head of the U.N.’s global climate change panel, praised the former Beatle’s campaign, saying it “certainly makes the task of governments so much easier.”

Photo: Greg Allen /
Late Show with David Letterman, Ed Sullivan Theater, N.Y.

McCartney admitted that he’s not perfect and that his flight from London to Brussels, and then to Thursday’s show at Berlin’s O2 World, had contributed to global warming.

“They haven’t invented microphones that work on candle power,” he said. “I do everything I can. If I go for a car, I go for hybrid. I recycle.”

I think McCartney’s campaign is brilliant. Everyone may not be willing to totally commit to a vegetarian or pescetarian lifestyle but with so many delicious food options out there, it’s easy to give up meat one day a week to make a difference in combating global warming. If you’re stuck thinking of meat-free meals, the Meat-Free Mondays website has a number of vegetarian recipes by Paul and Linda McCartney. Full disclosure – I’ve already been giving up meat on Mondays (and six other days of the week) for three years so I was easy to convince.

Leave us a comment and tell us if you would be willing to give up meat one day (or more!) a week.

Click here for the AP article.

Click here for Meat Free Monday’s Web site.