When it comes to concerts, fans living in or near major markets have it easy. That’s because when a new tour is announced, the question isn’t whether the band or artist is coming to their city, but when.

But for folks living in a smaller town, attending a concert often starts with a two, three, four, or even a five-hour road trip. And that’s when the fun begins.

There’s something about packing a car full of music fans and heading out to the big show that makes for an adventure. Where years later you may not remember much about the concert itself, but you recall the journey to the venue as if it was yesterday.

So, how about it? Got a concert road story? Tales about getting lost on the way, breakdowns or even a run-in with The Law? That’s what today’s Friday Fun comment thread is about. Just post your recollections in the space provided below before you hit the highway for the weekend.