Return Of The Jedi

The worldwide concert tour of a unique multimedia event featuring music from all six of John Williams’ epic “Star Wars” scores went on sale Dec. 12.

Narrated live by Anthony Daniels, who played the robot C-3PO in all six films, the production features the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and a choir, accompanied by specially edited footage from the films displayed on a three-story-tall, high-definition LED super-screen – one of the largest ever put on tour.

“We’ve taken the key themes from the music and cut together all the images that fit with each theme, so you can really get a sense of how the music played into the images,” said George Lucas, creator of the “Star Wars” saga.

“The whole soundtrack is a testament to John Williams’ creativity and his extraordinary ability to enhance the emotional aspects of the films.”

“This event has been crafted to present Star Wars from many points of view; for the first time, the full dramatic sweep of Williams’ iconic scores can be heard performed live in one evening,” said Another Planet Touring producer Spencer Churchill.

Accompanying the concert is an exclusive exhibition of “Star Wars” costumes, props, artifacts, production artwork and specially created behind-the-scenes videos from the Lucasfilm Archives.