Pascrell, NATB Oppose Merger

Rep. Bill Pascrell of New Jersey has joined forces with the National Association of Ticket Brokers to launch a new Web site in opposition to the pending Live Nation / Ticketmaster merger. and urge the public to tell the Department of Justice to block the merger, explaining the deal will lead to increased prices, poorer service and less innovation.

“There’s no question these guys want to control the whole market, from the venue to the tickets to the beer and peanuts,” Pascrell said during a press conference, according to the Record. “Someday they’ll charge us for washing our hands in the lavatory.”

Joining Pascrell at the press conference were several congressmen, Washington D.C.-based promoter Seth Hurwitz, Center for American Progress Senior Fellow David Balto (an outspoken critic of the merger), National Consumers League chief Sally Greenberg, American Antitrust Institute’s Bert Foer and former NATB prexy Tom Patania.

Click here to read guest commentary from Balto previously published by Pollstar: Why the Justice Department Must Block The Ticketmaster/LiveNation Deal