Making The Grade

Originally posted December 30, 2009.

What kind of grade w

What kind of grade would you assign Concert Year 2009? Would you give it an “A” for excellence, a “C” for average or an “F” for failure?

Put yourself in the mindset of a teacher grading his or her favorite pupil. Did this year’s concerts exceed your expectations? Or did the year leave you wanting something better?

Photo: AP Photo
Rose Bowl, Pasadena, Calif.

Photo: Jen Lowery
Nokia Theatre L.A. Live, Los Angeles, Calif.

This isn’t just about the best shows you’ve seen this year, but the overall picture, including the number of concert choices available as well as your experience purchasing tickets, quality of seats and the caliber of the bands and artists that graced stages during the last 12 months.

Photo: Jenny Mandeville
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn.

Photo: Bob Mussell
HSBC Arena, Buffalo, N.Y.

And don’t be afraid to post a few comments. You know, the concert-grading equivalent to “works well with others” or “plenty of room for improvement.”

So, how about it? What grade will you assign to Concert Year 2009?