Carey, who has rightly earned accolades across the board for her performance as a decidedly-unglamorous social worker in the critically-acclaimed film “Precious: Based on the Novel ‘Push’ by Sapphire,” clearly demonstrated the dangers of premature jubilation that involves a drink or two (or five) when she took the stage at the Palm Springs International Film Festival to accept the award for Breakthrough Actress.

After being escorted to the podium, the singer – looking every bit the diva in a skin-tight, floor-length, black-beaded Herve Leger gown – greeted “Precious” director Lee Daniels with an enthusiastic hug that lasted several seconds and involved both of her feet leaving the ground at one point.

Daniels then presented Carey with her award calling her “Mariah-kitten,” to which she responded with the cryptic statement, “I don’t think they understand the kitten and cotton thing.”

What followed was several minutes of the kind of rambling monologue familiar to anyone who’s ever been the recipient of a “drunk dialing” phone call from a friend or relative.

And of course no such conversation would be complete without the requisite “I love you,” which the singer directed at Daniels before pausing to collect herself and then saying, “Please forgive me, because I’m a little bit, um…”

A helpful member of the audience finished the sentence, shouting “F***d up!,” to which Carey responded, “Yeah!” and then chuckled.

The rest of the singer’s time at the podium consisted of long pauses and seemingly disconnected thoughts including her first impressions of the “Push” script, meeting the book’s author and rubbing elbows with other stars at the awards, including Academy Award-winner Helen Mirren, who turned down Carey’s role in the film.

While Mariah was obviously having a well-deserved good time, several others at the ceremony also had a little fun at her expense following her potted performance.

PIFF host Mary Hart quipped, “Who says we don’t have fun here?” as she returned to the stage following Carey’s speech and “Up In the Air” director Jason Reitman described winning Director of the Year with, “I think it feels just as good as Mariah Carey feels right now.”

But the best shot came from Sean Penn, who presented T-Bone Burnett with the Frederick Loewe Award for Film Composing for his work on the hit Jeff Bridges film “Crazy Heart.”

Arriving on stage drink-in-hand, Penn explained, “In the best-laid plans of mice and men I intended to do this in absolute sobriety, so forgive me if I squeak” and then slyly observed, “Think anything’s going to make YouTube tonight?”

Here are some highlights of Mariah Carey’s, um, free-wheeling acceptance speech courtesy of Associated Press and, of course, YouTube.