Mariah Carey Explains Her Oh So Precious Acceptance Speech

Backstage at the People’s Choice Awards, Mariah Carey explained to reporters why she had given such an awkward, seemingly tipsy acceptance speech the night before at the Palm Springs International Film Festival. The pop singer/actress acknowledged that she had enjoyed “splashes of champagne” – and also pointed a finger at “Precious” director Lee Daniels.

On Tuesday Carey was named Breakthrough Actress for her role as a frumpy social worker in “Precious: Based on the Novel ‘Push’ by Sapphire.” After taking the stage at the Palm Springs International Film Festival, she gave a rambling speech that last several minutes and was filled with giggles and long pauses.

No "Glitter" here.

Daniels, who presented the award, called Carey  “Mariah-kitten” and she gave him a long hug and later told the director that she loved him. Carey apologized to the audience at one point, saying “Please forgive me, because I’m a little bit, um …” After a crowd member shouted “F***ed up!” she agreed, saying “Yeah!” and then laughed.

A video of the speech was an instant YouTube hit.

“The thing is me and Lee hadn’t see each other in a long time, and then he was presenting my award, so he starts off immediately with inside jokes,” Carey said backstage at the People’s Choice Awards Wednesday night.

“We were celebrating and having little splashes [of champagne], and I hadn’t eaten, and that’s what It was,” she said, according to “We were celebrating the movie and all the exciting stuff going on. There’s a time for celebration and a time for not — but really, technically, it’s a party atmosphere. We had splashes of champagne. I love Lee, but he’s a bad influence.”

Splashes of champagne? Not glasses and glasses? Hmmm.

Carey added that she’s more than just a pop singer.

“If people don’t understand me and think I’m just like this girl that stands by a microphone and sings ‘Hero,’ then they’re definitely not going to get me,” she explained. “But if people knew me better, they would understand I have a sense of humor, and basically that’s what gets me through life.”

She went home Wednesday night with the People’s Choice Award for favorite R&B artist after giving another interesting speech.

Carey poked fun at the fact her dress was so tight that her husband Nick Cannon had to help her up on stage, thanking him “for helping me with this dress because … it’s a drama! I didn’t mean to do this,” according to

She also thanked Cannon for “many other things I probably shouldn’t mention.”

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