Slash Gear Banned From GNR Gig?

If clothes make the fan, then Guns N’ Roses devotees may want to reconsider their wardrobe selections before seeing Axl Rose & Company in concert. It appears that wearing anything connected to GNR axeman Slash is verboten.

Gossip site TMZ reports that fans wearing T-shirts depicting Slash while attending GNR’s concert in Regina, Sk., were told they would have to turn their shirts inside out before entering the venue.

Photo: AP Photo / Scanpix
Quartet Music Festival, Kristiansand, Norway

That also applied to anyone wearing top hats in honor of Slash’s trademark headgear, as fans were told to leave their own toppers outside.

According to TMZ, a concert security staffer confirmed the no-Slash rule, saying the orders were given by one of the show’s producers.

Click here for the original TMZ item.