Back To School For Music Promoters

Live music promoters and anyone with an interest in becoming one can now take a two-day training course and get a qualification in the subject.

The British organisation behind the new Award for Music Promoters is claiming it as “a significant milestone in the evolution of the music industry.” It is believed to be the first qualification of its kind.

Nicknamed the AMP, the qualification is said to give anyone wishing to put on a music event an excellent grounding in all the aspects they’ll need to consider.

The project has been set up by the British Institute of Innkeeping. So far, nearly 20 UK training centres have shown an interest in running the course.

The key areas covered in the two-day training programme include project management tools and techniques, financial management, risk assessment, marketing and promotion, environmental issues including waste management, and the 2003 Licensing Act.

The qualification is supported by a workbook that acts as a handy reference point and “how to” guide for future use.

“This is exactly what the industry needs and I’ve been really impressed with the way the steering committee have taken a rounded approach to the role of a music event organiser,” said Domnique Czopor, founder of the WE:Live independent venue and promoter network and one of those involved with developing the course.

“No stone has been left unturned and the course will ensure the music promoters of tomorrow are savvy, well-informed and aware of their legal responsibilities,” he explained.

The course and qualification have been created as a first step toward promoting and enhancing the standard, quality and legacy of promoters and events.

In turn it’s hoped it will increase customers’ confidence and have a positive impact of stimulating the entertainment and leisure economy.

The BIIAB AMP received widespread support from candidates involved in the pilot, including BBC Radio 1 Xtra, Inc Group and Global Radio, and has been praised for helping to “sort the men from the boys.”

Information on the course and training centres is at