Evansville’s Fields Of Dreams

The fate of 52-year-old Roberts Stadium in Evansville, Ind., hasn’t been determined, but one proposal would tear it down and put new baseball and softball fields in its place after the city’s new arena is built.

Existing basketball, volleyball and handball courts would be rebuilt under the plant put forward by Convention and Visitors Bureau.

The cost of the project presented April 8 would be between $15 million and $18 million, including about $1.25 million for Roberts Stadium’s demolition, according to the Evansville Courier & Press. Officials say funding would come from the city’s innkeepers tax.

The project would take place in two stages, with the first four ballfields to open by fall 2011 and the remainder in spring 2013. It’s estimated the eight diamonds could generate $18 million per year for the area’s economy.

The proposal must win approvals from the Evansville Parks Department, Visitors Bureau’s board and the County Council.
Roberts Stadium is home to the University of Evansville basketball team.

The city is building a new $127 million arena, expected to be completed in fall 2011.