Was cruising around the Webbernet yesterday and ran across the following video. For those of you familiar with The Pixies (OK, let’s just say it: for MUSIC FANS), this will probably be considered nice and good.

Here’s another case where an artist can’t found in our database with a GPS system, and he doesn’t appear to have ever played in the U.S. (granted, confirming this would require visiting Google. No time). Is this accurate? Has anyone seen him play? Gotta admit, love me some piano music but after the third song of a performance, it’s time to add the bikini/laser show.

Anyway, once his MySpace page loads (pack a lunch, people), this is what is found, translated from Parisian Frenchie stuff:

“Maxence Cyrin spends his childhood behind a piano studying classical music. Come adolescence, however, and everything changes. A convert of new wave sounds, he records his first tunes at 18 years old. At the same time, he discovers Techno and becomes actively involved in the scene, releasing many records on independent labels.

“Maxence’s live sets are unique. His setlist is a mix electro and 80’s hits, rock anthems but also improvisations, entertainment.”

Might be worth an iTunes visit. Here’s a Beyoncé cover:

Yes, there is a live video of him doing “Smells Like Teen Spirit” in Hong Kong and we could provide the link but covering that song was pretty much got played out by the ‘60s.