Live Nation Goes To Australia

The biggest promotion company in the world has a foothold on a new continent.

Live Nation announced April 20 – Australian time – it is establishing a presence in Melbourne. Luke Hede, currently VP of international booking for Live Nation Asia, has been named VP of Promotions Pacific Rim. Roger Field, formerly of Michael Coppel Presents, has been named VP Promotions Australia and New Zealand.

The move comes after years of courting the major promoters of Australia; apparently Live Nation has decided it is better to build than to buy. And, while the well-known promoters of Australia have relationships with major performers, Field and Hede have youth.

Field and Hede will work with Live Nation’s Global International Touring teams to bring tours to Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Rim, according to a statement. The company already has offices in Hong Kong, Singapore and Shanghai. Hede will continue to book concerts for these offices, according to Live Nation. The company also has a joint venture in Beijing with Gehua Group.

“Over the last decade, Live Nation has been involved with some of the most successful tours throughout Australia and New Zealand, including U2, The Rolling Stones, David Bowie, Prince, Nickelback, The Police and many others,” Live Nation International CEO Alan Ridgeway said. “We now feel that the time is right to establish our own presence and further monetize our global tours in this particularly strong and growing live market.

“After working closely with two of Australia’s most highly regarded promoters in Paul Dainty and Michael Coppel respectively, both Luke and Roger have vast experience and knowledge in the local market and we are thrilled to have them leading our Australian launch.”

Live Nation said further staffing would be announced shortly.