You Say Party! We Say Die! Drummer Dies

Devon Clifford, drummer for Canadian dance-punk band You Say Party! We Say Die! collapsed on stage during a gig in Vancouver Friday night and died shortly after.

Clifford collapsed during a show at the Rickshaw Theatre, according to the Vancouver Sun. Family members released a statement saying the 30-year-old drummer died early Saturday morning, apparently from a brain hemorrhage.

“Devon Clifford was an extremely gifted drummer and determined character,” family members said in a statement. “He loved his family, loved his band, loved traveling, loved being on stage and loved meeting people around the world. He was smart, witty, passionate, and music meant everything to him.”

The statement said Clifford’s brain hemorrhage resulted from congenital defects and that the drummer fell into a coma after collapsing on stage. Surgeons operated on the musician but were unable to save his life.

The band’s record label – Paper Bag – also issued a statement regarding Clifford’s death.

“It is with absolute sadness to report that our dear friend Devon Clifford died just hours ago in a Vancouver hospital surrounded by his family and friends. He will be deeply missed by everyone who knew him.”