Convicted Killer Of Former Ramones Manager Sentenced

Calling her “almost inhuman,” a New York judge has sentenced Natavia Lowery to 27 years and four months to life in prison for killing Linda Stein, who once managed the Ramones and was a major Big Apple real estate broker until her 2007 murder.

For those of you not up on your NYC murder trials, Lowery was convicted in February of killing Stein, who since her music management days had built a successful real estate business that counted Sting and Madonna among its clients.

Photo: AP Photo
Being escorted by New York City detectives,

At one time Lowery admitted in a videotaped statement that she killed Stein, but later recanted the remarks. But back in the day when she freely admitted to the murder, Lowery said Stein harassed her by constantly complaining about how long it took the employee to accomplish her tasks. And if that isn’t enough to justify whacking your boss, Lowery also claimed Stein blew marijuana smoke in her face on more than one occasion.

However, it was more than smoke and complaints that turned Lowery into a boss killer. Along with the murder conviction, she was convicted of stealing more than $30,000 from Stein, a theft that prosecutors said began Lowery’s first step on the journey that concluded with bludgeoning her 62-year-old boss with a yoga stick.

Calling the trial “unfair,” Lowery said she would appeal the conviction. “My innocence will continuously remain,” Lowery said.

One of Stein’s daughters had a few things to say as well, with Samantha Stein-Wells telling Lowery in court that she is “a disgusting person.”

“Where, where is your apology? Where is your remorse?” Stein-Wells asked Lowery. “You are truly a cold, ruthless killer.”

But it was the judge who got the last word, and state Supreme Court Justice Richard Carruthers had a few choice remarks for the murderess.

“Miss Lowery acted with an uncommon and almost inhuman degree of coolness and calculation, fully justifying the jury’s conclusion that she took the life of Linda Stein intentionally,” Carruthers said, adding that Lowery is “a very dangerous young woman who acted without regard for any human compassion.”