Musicians’ Union Calls For Elton Cancellation

Apparently members of the Egyptian Musicians’ Union just discovered Elton John is gay. The trade organization voted Sunday to ban the singer from performing there else he somehow might ruin all that is good in the desert nation.

John is scheduled to perform in Egypt at a private event May 18. However, members of the country’s musicians’ union voted Sunday to call for the concert’s cancellation, citing John’s promotion of gay rights as well as the singer’s recent remarks published in Parade magazine claiming Jesus was gay and that all religions should be banned.

Photo: Rod Tanaka /
Pepsi Center, Denver, Colo.

“I think Jesus was a compassionate, super-intelligent gay man who understood human problems,” John told Parade. “On the cross, he forgave the people who crucified him. Jesus wanted us to be loving and forgiving. I don’t know what makes people so cruel. Try being a gay woman in the Middle East – you’re as good as dead.”

“How do we allow a gay who wants to ban religions, claimed that prophet Eissa [Jesus] was gay, and calls for Middle Eastern countries to allow gays to have sexual freedom,” union head Mounir El Wassimi said Sunday according to the Los Angeles Times’ Middle East blog Babylon & Beyond.

Egypt isn’t the most GLBT-friendly country. Homosexuality is considered a major sin in Islam, the religion practiced by nearly 90 percent of Egyptians.

On the other hand, considering John has been open about his sexuality for more than 30 years, you’d think the Egyptian Musicians’ Union would be clued in by now.

At this time John’s May Egyptian gig isn’t officially canceled. However, the musicians’ union pretty much has the final say regarding who may and may not perform in the country. So far, the show’s promoters haven’t said if the show will take place as planned.

Click here to read the Los Angeles Times / Babylon & Beyond account.

Click here to read Elton John’s comments in Parade.