McCartney Writing Ballet

The conversation rarely turns to tutus and pointe shoes when talking about Paul McCartney’s vast catalog of musical accomplishments. However, that may change.

Turns out Macca has been commissioned to write the music for a ballet, according to the BBC which reports the former Beatle is “enthusiastic” about the dance project.

“I‘m interested in doing things I haven’t done before,” McCartney said.

“That offer came up and I love writing music, the two went together and I said, ‘Yeah,’ so I just accept things before I even know what I’m doing.”

McCartney also said he didn’t really know all that much about the project and that he’s merely providing the music for it.

This won’t be the first time McCartney has stepped out of the confines of pop music. He wrote his “Liverpool Oratorio” orchestral score in 1991.

McCartney also commented on his recent appearance at the White House where he received the Gershwin Prize honoring his career. Turns out he had some unexpected accompaniment while serenading the First Lady.

“I started singing ‘Michelle,’ and he (Barack Obama) starts singing it to her,” McCartney said.

“It’s great, I couldn’t believe it, he’s singing the French bits, he’s leaning over to his kids and going, ‘This is about mum!’”

Photo: AP Photo
Playing the East Room in The White House.

Click here to read the complete BBC report.