Quoting “sources familiar with the situation,” the New York Post reports AEG Live has talked with three of the four major labels – Universal Music Group, Sony Music Entertainment and Warner Music.  The fourth major, EMI, was not mentioned in the article.

The talks could result in a sale to one or more labels, according to the Post. Quoting the undisclosed source, the newspaper said AEG Live has been talking with Universal “on and off” for more than a year and that the talks “are still ongoing.”

However, the newspaper also reports that a Universal Music spokesman denied the company was in discussions with AEG Live and that execs at Sony and Warner did not comment.

On the other hand, an AEG Live spokesman did have something to say.

“There are a variety of substantial organizations that have contacted us over the years and recently about investment opportunities in AEG Live,” the rep said. “While we happen to have all of our funding in place and have no need for additional investors and have never found anybody to be a good fit, we continue to speak to many to determine if they would bring proper assets to the table to warrant consideration.”

The AEG Live spokesman also said the company is “having the best run we’ve ever had” but “you always look for ways to strengthen the organization.”

Click here to read the complete New York Post article.