Holland Poops On Snoop

A Netherlands music festival has stricken Snoop Dogg from its bill after local officials said he is not welcome in their city.

The rapper was scheduled to appear at the June 27. That was before The Hague’s city authorities, the prosecutor’s office and police demanded the festival’s promoters nix Snoop from the lineup “in order to preserve the free, open and friendly nature of Parkpop,” reports Agence France-Presse.

Photo: Scott Legato / RockStarProPhotography.com
Madison Theater, Covington, Ky.

While city hall officials wouldn’t give specific reasons for banning Snoop from performing at Parkpop, various media reports are speculating it’s because of his previous convictions on drugs and firearms charges as well as alleged connections to street gangs.

Having a problem with a firearms conviction is understandable. After all, in 1997 he pleaded guilty to one charge of being an ex-felon in possession of a handgun, resulting in three years of probation as well as having to pay a fine and record public service announcements.

However it’s kind of difficult to imagine officials don’t want Snoop in their city because of his known fondness for marijuana. After all, Amsterdam is known throughout the world for its lenient attitude toward the drug, exemplified by its marijuana cafes.

This isn’t the first time Snoop has been barred from performing in another country. Britain once denied him a visa because of past firearms and drug convictions, but eventually relented, resulting in his scheduled appearance at this year’s Glastonbury Festival.

Click here to read the complete Agence France-Presse article.