The original plan was for the rappers to do a surprise gig on the marquee during a taping of the “Late Show With David Letterman.” However, the Mayor’s Office Of Film, Theatre and Broadcasting, still hurting from last week’s free Drake concert at South Street Seaport where 10,000 fans got a little disruptive, nixed the plan, saying it could only move forward if word of the performance didn’t leak until the day of the show.

But that didn’t happen, and news of the planned appearance started circulating.

So they moved it up to the roof. The concert was seen by only 100 fans who entered contests on Twitter and Facebook, according to the New York Post, saying the rooftop gig didn’t need any permits because it was on private property.

“They don’t want a riot so they always shelter the big guys,” a lighting technician told the Post. “You can hear the noise bounce around, but nobody on the street can see him.”

Click here to read the complete New York Post account.