File-sharing Suit Not Done Yet

Believe it or not, the very first file-sharing copyright infringement case to go to trial in the U.S. is not over.

The RIAA and Jammie Thomas-Rasset are still negotiating a settlement after two mistrials, and a third one looming.

Thomas-Rasset was convicted in 2007 of downloading 24 songs off of Kazaa and she was charged $80,000 per for a grand total of $1.92 million. The Obama admin has supported the judgment. However, Thomas-Rasset’s side wants to pay the minimum of $750 a track and the RIAA will settle for only $25,000, according to

Her attorney told the website a settlement is unlikely.

In other tech news, although details are vague, Google is preparing to roll out a music download service that is tied to its search engine later this year, followed by an online subscription service in 2011, people familiar with the situation have told the Wall Street Journal.