Avoid All Things ‘Legal’ Or ‘Herbal’

A UK government minister has asked festival promoters to be on the watch for drug dealers, even if what they’re selling isn’t classified illegal.

James Brokenshire, a parliamentary under secretary of state at the Home Office, has asked the promoters to warn ticket-holders about the potential danger of “legal highs,” according to the Guardian.

“As part of your preparations for this year’s event, I ask you to review the measures you have put in place to ensure that your festival is as safe an environment as possible, to help protect the public, especially young people, from the potential harms and risks of all drugs,” he said.

“During the festival season, we know that people may be tempted to try potentially dangerous new drugs, particularly when they are advertised as ‘legal’ or ‘herbal.’ We are asking festival organisers and police to send out the message that these substances may not be safe and could contain illegal drugs.”