Dogs Nest Tied Up

A Port Dover, Ontario, concert that was set to feature Ronnie Hawkins, Bad Company and Jim Belushi & The Sacred Hearts is in limbo after county officials denied a zoning request.

Promoter Vicar Entertainment apparently began advertising and selling tickets for the Aug. 12-14 Dogs Nest at Dover concert despite lacking proper zoning for the 341 acres of farmland designated as the concert grounds, the Simcoe Reformer reported.

Prior to a public meeting June 22, Vicar representatives said the event, scheduled to coincide with an annual Friday the 13th motorcycle rally in the community, would provide camping accommodations for some of the thousands attending the motorcycle rally.

“We really feel we have a very strong presentation to make to Norfolk council,” president Isaac Weir told the paper. “We feel there are enough advantages to our proposal that we don’t foresee them stalling our application. It’s a win-win situation for all concerned. We have great confidence that Norfolk council will see it that way too.”

But during the meeting and a subsequent appeals hearing, Norfolk County councilors voted unanimously to deny a zoning change for the concert.

While Vicar had the option to appeal to a provincial municipal board, county officials wrote “an appeal … is not likely to happen before this event takes place.”

In a statement on the Dogs Nest website, Vicar announced it was suspending ticket sales following the decision.

“We are in negotiations with an alternative venue,” the statement said. “Once we have made a decision on the possibility of a new location, we will be making the announcements to inform you.

“We are sorry for this unfortunate situation and have been working hard to make this event a reality. If the event is canceled we will refund your tickets.”