Royal Oak Gun Dispute

Officials with the city of Royal Oak, Mich., are discussing whether to allow residents with permits to carry weapons into the annual Arts, Beats & Eats Festival Sept. 3-6.

The sticking point is a clause in the contract between the city and festival organizers that says no guns are allowed at the Detroit-area event.

Residents with legal firearms are fighting the possibility, saying the ban infringes on their Second Amendment rights as well as the state’s open-carry weapon law.

Event producer Jon Witz reportedly said in a city commission meeting the issue isn’t about individual rights, according to the Detroit News.

“Should there be certain exceptions to having the right to carry a handgun, our festival would qualify based on common sense,” Witz said. “There will be a large crowd where alcohol will be served.”

Witz and city officials are reportedly working on a mutual solution.

Meanwhile, Brian Jeffs of Michigan Open Carry Inc. told the paper his group will sue if the city upholds the gun ban at the event.

“We’ve been talking to our attorney and the option is on the table, but we would like to avoid litigation because nobody wins except the lawyers,” Jeffs told the News.