Death At Mountain Winery Concert

A man killed himself at a Swell Season concert in Saratoga, Calif., Aug. 19, jumping from a roof and landing onstage next to singer Glen Hansard.

The man, in what is being called an apparent suicide, climbed onto the roof of the Mountain Winery amphitheatre, sprinted and stumbled, then jumped off, possibly hitting the rigging before landing on a speaker less than three feet from Hansard, witnesses told S.F. Weekly’s All Shook Down blog.

“The victim went to a concert with a friend,” Santa Clara Sheriff Sgt. Rick Sung told S.F. Weekly. “During the performance, he left his friend, leaving all personal belongings behind. The next thing the concertgoers in the audience see is the same guy up on the rooftop above the stage, and he jumps off the rooftop, landing on the stage.”

Paramedics and a doctor who was in the audience attempted to revive the man for an hour, Sung said.
One witness said the victim appeared to be in his 20s.

“He stood alone and he seemed melancholy and removed from the show … but not necessarily distraught,” the witness told All Shook Down. “We made eye contact and smiled at each other and shortly after, I noticed he had left.

“Almost immediately, I noticed a figure climbing onto the roof. He pulled himself up on the roof and started sprinting towards the edge. It’s quite a distance and he lost his footing more than once. He kept getting up, determined to follow through.”

Another witness said the initial impression was it was a dummy, and a prank, or part of the lighting. But Hansard’s horrified look made it clear this was a serious situation. The staff acted quickly.

“Glen was joking about his new guitar player, poking fun at one of his songs when a body shot down above and slammed downstage left,” another witness e-mailed. “The guy fell like a dead weight, not flailing, not screaming, just hitting the stage hard and bouncing from the impact.”

A video of the aftermath shows a hushed crowd as ambulances arrive and a venue executive asks for everyone to gather in the plaza.