Murat Suit Tossed

An Indiana judge threw out a lawsuit challenging Live Nation’s right to rename the Murat Centre the Old National Centre as part of a naming rights agreement.

The Murat Temple Association filed suit in March contending that Live Nation was barred in its lease from changing the name of a theatre inside the historic Murat Temple building in Indianapolis.

But Marion County Superior Court Judge John Hanley didn’t agree, according to the Indianapolis Star. The ruling confirmed that Live Nation acted within its rights to not only enter into a naming rights deal with Old National Bank, but rename an interior theatre including installment of new signage. Live Nation did not attempt to rename the entire building.

“The rulings are just. We are glad this issue has been resolved quickly by the court system and that we can now focus on providing great quality entertainment without distraction,” said LN president of North Central Music Rick Franks in a statement.

Live Nation holds the lease to operate two rooms in the building: the 2,500-capacity Murat Theatre in Old National Centre and the 2,000-capacity Egyptian Room in Old National Center.