Phish Fan Recovering

A man who police say intentionally jumped off a 25-foot balcony during intermission at a Phish concert at Nikon at Jones Beach Theatre in Wantagh, N.Y., Aug. 18 was reportedly released from a local hospital Aug. 20 and should recover from his injuries.

A friend of the Maine resident told the New York Post the man, whose name hasn’t been released, was doing well despite broken bones.

However, because the man jumped intentionally, police are looking to charge him for endangering others. One person reportedly suffered minor injuries when the man fell. He’ll likely face charges of second-degree reckless endangerment, which is a misdemeanor, and disorderly conduct, Newsday reported.

Police said the 30-year-old hurled himself over the railing at about 10 p.m. and landed on the seats below. He was taken by helicopter for treatment, Newsday said.

In regard to the man’s plunge, State Park Police Sgt. Anthony Astacio told Newsday, “I couldn’t believe it when I saw it. He’s very lucky.”

The concert, the second of two Phish played at the venue, continued as scheduled.