Mountain Winery Codes Questioned

The death of a man who leaped from a roof to the stage during a recent Swell Season concert at the Mountain Winery in Saratoga, Calif., has raised questions about venue security.

According to a Santa Clara County fire marshal, the historic winery building that backs the stage of the amphitheatre is unoccupied and not covered by existing codes in effect at the shed, the San Jose Mercury News reported.

“There are no codes restricting access to that roof,” Fire Marshal Judy Saunders told the paper. She added that access to the roof, which is accessible from a hillside road behind the venue, might be an issue covered by the venue’s insurance.

Neither the Winery nor show promoter Live Nation has announced plans for tightening up security during concerts at the venue.
Officials in Santa Clara are expected to review the amphitheatre’s permit soon, the paper said.