Machine Head Guitarist Offers Reward For Stolen Stuff

Yesterday wasn’t a good day for Machine Head guitarist Robb Flynn. But it was a very good day for thieves looking to swipe a few guitars.

Evidently someone broke into Flynn’s San Francisco-area home, making off with several guitars as well as laptops, wakeboards, cash and his wife’s jewelry. The robbery took place sometime between 1:15 p.m. and 3:15 p.m. when Flynn nor his family were home.

Among the purloined guitars is the instrument Flynn played on the first Machine Head album, Burn My Eyes. Other pilfered guitars include one that was a gift from the late axeman “Dimebag Darrell” Lance Abbott as well as his son’s mini Flying V.

Needless to say, Flynn is not a happy camper. But he is offering a reward for the “honest” return of the stolen items.

“I am offering a $1,000 reward for the return of the black Ibanez Strat along with many stickers, a ‘Designated Drinker’ sticker,” Flynn said. “Additionally, I am offering a $2,000 reward for the safe return of the blue Washburn Dimebolt prototype.”

The guitarist said an all points bulletin was issued to every Guitar Center in Northern California and that the thief (or thieves) left fingerprints behind on instruments they apparently handled but did not steal. He also said two “suspicious vehicles” have been reported – a green/teal U.S.-make pickup truck and a white full-size work van.

Photo: Jason Moore
House Of Blues, Myrtle Beach, S.C.

Flynn is also reaching out to anyone spotting the stolen items on sites like Craigslist or eBay to contact him immediately at [email protected].

For more information, click here for Machine Head’s website.