Cronin was diagnosed with leukemia in 2005 and underwent chemotherapy, LFO member Brad Fischetti told CNN, adding that he didn’t know if Cronin was battling the disease when he died.

Fischetti told the cable news channel that the leukemia returned in 2007 and 2008, resulting in doctors treating Cronin with a stem cell transplant. According to Fishetti, Cronin suffered a stroke thought to be a reaction to the treatment.

Cronin, Fischetti and Brian “Brizz” Gillis founded LFO in 1995. Gillis left the group in 1999 and was replaced by Devin Lima.

Cronin was the chief songwriter of the group, penning, along with producers Dow Brain and Brad Young, the boys’ breakout hit, “Summer Girls,” in 1999 as well as “Girl On TV.”

Regarding media reports placing Cronin’s age anywhere from 33 years old or older, Fischetti told CNN the singer “liked to play with his age.”

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