Minn. Synagogue With Ties To Dylan Is For Sale

The former Minnesota synagogue where singer Bob Dylan had his bar mizvah when he was 13-year-old Bobby Zimmerman is for sale.

The owners of the building in Hibbing are hoping the connection to Dylan helps sell it. The building is No. 8 on the Bob Dylan Walk tour.

It hasn’t been a synagogue since the 1980s, when the congregation disbanded and the building was turned into apartments.

Brenda Shafer-Pellinen, who owns the building with her husband, told the Duluth News Tribune she has reached out to Dylan fans on websites. The asking price is $119,000.

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Hop Farm Festival, Paddock Wood, UK

Shafer-Pellinen and her husband bought it in 2001 with plans to turn it into a bed-and-breakfast, but the Twin Cities couple haven’t been able to move north.