Lady Gaga Challenged To Singing Duel

In another example of a Southern Californian artist doing just about anything for a bit of publicity, we’ve got news about a Los Angeles musician challenging Lady Gaga to a sing-off.

A singer named Alisa Apps is challenging Gaga to a nationally televised competition with a cash prize of “at least $1 million for the winner.” According to a press release, the sing-off would go down in front of a live audience at either Madison Square Garden in New York or the O2 Arena in London. The announcement doesn’t explain who would be fronting the cash.

Photo: Chris McKay /
Time-Warner Cable Arena, Charlotte, N.C.

“I feel sorry for Lady Gaga – she’s just a plastic doll generated by the music money marketing machine,” Apps said.  “I stand for the voice of your heart. Be real with me. Come to my world and feel. I want to hear you and for you to hear me. This contest gives people a chance to choose which they prefer – plastic or real.”

Those are some strong fighting words, Apps.

The singer says she “wants to heal people with her music” by bringing “back love, honesty and passion.”

A YouTube video of Apps performing a tune called “How Do I Make Right” has racked up 1.29 million views.

Readers, please leave us a comment and tell us which artist had a better publicity stunt today – Apps or the band who blocked traffic on a Los Angeles freeway to promote their group?

Although Apps may not have done anything illegal, it’s hard to say how many fans the stunt will have won over compared to the number of little monsters she can now count as enemies.

Click here for Alisa Apps’ website.