Cooper’s Bloody Luggage

In this crazy mixed-up world in which we live there are few things you can still count on – a mother’s love for her children, the loyalty of a faithful dog and Alice Cooper still shocking folks after all these years.

Cooper flew into London this week for his upcoming “Halloween Night Of Fear” shows scheduled for Oct. 31 and Nov. 1 at The Roundhouse. Once on the ground, Cooper discovered that British Airways had lost his luggage, according to London newspaper Express.

Of course, this situation isn’t unique, not with luggage getting lost every day regardless of which airline travelers use.

So Cooper did what everyone wanting to find their wayward luggage does. He told the airline’s staffers about the missing baggage.

But here is where Cooper’s universe diverges from the world us mere mortals live in.

You see, Cooper had to describe the contents of his missing snakeskin bags, including his fake blood and a giant syringe as well as various skulls and skeleton limbs. You can bet that was a day British Airways’ employees will remember for years to come.

Cooper’s “Halloween Night Of Fear” shows at the Roundhouse are a prelude to his European tour hitting Germany, Switzerland, Italy, France, Spain and Portugal. Click here for the complete itinerary.

Photo: Owen Sweeney /
American Music Theater, Lancaster, Pa.

And while we’re talking about links, click here to read the complete Express article.