Travie McCoy Busted For Tagging Berlin Wall

A chunk of the infamous Wall still exists in Berlin, and Travie McCoy couldn’t resist spraying it with graffiti, nor could police resist arresting him.

The Gym Class Hero, currently touring Europe solo, had a Wednesday night gig in Berlin. Like many visitors to Germany’s capital city, he just had to check out the sites, including a remnant of the wall that once divided the city.

Not only could he not resist tagging the structure, but he also couldn’t resist bragging about it on Twitter, according to London newspaper Metro which reports he tweeted, tagged then tweeted again.

McCoy’s first tweet boasted his intentions. “The Berlin Wall. I’m def getting’ up on this before we leave tonight!!!”

Then, after he tagged the wall remnant, he sent a message announcing his accomplishment.

“Told you!!! Had to do it, blame it on the devil. Everyone else does!”

Apparently, Berlin police arrested the artist shortly after he did the deed. The Metro reports McCoy was released on bail of approximately 1,500 euros ($2,083).

But McCoy doesn’t seem to harbor any regrets about the incident and was still boasting about it after he arrived in Amsterdam.

“Sooo true, better than drugs!! … no matter how big u get, u can’t ever get rid of that graf bug once ur infected.”

Oh, well. Everybody needs a hobby.