Video Diversion: Slayer For Christmas, Kanye’s Tweets

Looking for something to do other than what you’re supposed to be doing right now? How about eyeballing a house where the Christmas lights are synced to Slayer? And if that’s not entertaining enough, there’s always the grandmother reading Kanye West’s tweets.

This isn’t a holiday vid for the “Bah! Humbug!” crowd. Instead, it has more of a “Christmas! Bring it on!!” vibe.

“I have been a fan for over 20 years and this took me a long time to do it,” wrote the person who posted the clip, adding, “This is my daughter’s account so don’t pay attention to the girly stuff. Slayer rules.”

This next clip is simple enough – a silver-haired grandmother reads Kanye West’s tweets. Clip is from Boo Ya Pictures, the same folks that brought you “Rock Em Sock Em Love” and “Ron Jeremy’s School Of Harmonica.” But we gotta warn you. She’s reading Kanye’s words, so the soundtrack might be a little more NSFW than your place of employment can handle.