Remembering Bill Graham
A lot has changed since the days when Graham pretty much invented the art of modern concert promotion. In addition to Graham, folks like Denver’s Barry Fey and Boston’s Don Law pretty much had a hand in all concert events big and small in their respective regions, making for an industry that was as much about promoters’ personalities as it was about music.
And Graham set the benchmark. From promoting shows at The Fillmore, New York City’s Fillmore East and his memorable “Day On The Green” events to promoting several Rolling Stones tours as well 1985’s Live Aid and appearing as Father Time at all those Grateful Dead New Year’s Eve shows, Graham set the benchmark for concert promotion. Simply put, there was no one like Graham, nor will there ever be another like him.
The Fillmore bash features Los Lobos, Jackie Greene and Poor Man’s Whiskey with proceeds helping the Foundation do what it does best – provide grants for the arts as well as aid environmental causes and Bay Area projects. For more information, click here for the Bill Graham Foundation website.