Taking All Of The High Road

Frank Riley, the head honcho at High Road Touring, may keep a low profile but when it comes to the 10th anniversary of his company, he’s sure to make his coworkers feel tall, taking them all to Pollstar Live!

Riley left ICM in 2001 and soon a hefty roster of longtime clients, from Wilco to The Jayhawks to They Might Be Giants, arrived under his new shingle. Many of the acts had been with Riley since the ’80s at his original agency, Venture Booking.

Since High Road Touring has been in business, it has been nominated every year for Boutique Agency at the Concert Industry Awards. This year, High Road has booked tours for Wilco, Portishead, Robert Plant & The Band of Joy, Emmylou Harris, Lucinda Williams, James Blunt and the reunion tour for Dispatch.

Leaving Sausilito, Calif. for Los Angeles will be David Rowan, Dina Dusko, Lisa O’Hara, Matt Hickey, Jackson Haring, Abby Sprague, Wilson Zheng, Lore Ledding, Daisy Scholz, Zachary Cepin, Grace Gibson, Lisa Laack and Meredith Aleandri.