Movie Tix Still On Rise

Like death and taxes, the rising price of movie tickets has become an unavoidable factor in a trip to the theater.

And given recent figures from the National Association of Theater Owners, it doesn’t appear tickets are going to take a dip anytime soon.

Movie tickets rose 39 cents on average to $7.89 in 2010, compared with $7.50 for tickets in 2009, according to NATO. And statistics for Q4 of 2010 were even higher at $8.01 per seat.

The 5 percent bump was reportedly the biggest year-to-year spike in motion-picture history.

However, representatives for the theater association had an explanation. NATO spokesman Patrick Corcoran told the Los Angeles Times that prices spiked because of an influx in 3-D film screenings, which can tag an extra $2.50 to $4 onto ticket prices.

Still, along with the price increases came another, less fortunate, statistic for the movie industry.

Movie attendance dropped more than 5 percent for the year, compared with 2009, and box office sales were flat for the same period.
But Corcoran had another explanation for the Times, noting the numbers weren’t really out of line compared with previous years and that 2010 just wasn’t a good year for hit movies.

“People aren’t staying away because of ticket prices,” he said. “They’re staying away because of the movies.”