More Dylan China Rumblings

It appears Bob Dylan may, in fact, finally be coming to China to perform.

The Dylan-only magazine Isis reports that the singer will play Beijing’s Workers Gymnasium April 6 and the Grand Stage in Shanghai April 8.

As no official announcement from China has surfaced and no tickets have yet gone on sale, the dates are not a sure thing.
After all, there were rumors last spring that Dylan was going to play China but the shows never materialized, not because the Chinese government was skittish about Dylan’s songs, which some people still believe, but rather because of excessive promoter fees.

Another reason to believe that this time it’s for real is that Dylan will definitely be in the area at that time.

He’s slated to play Taipei April 3, Ho Chi Minh City April 19, Hong Kong April 12-13, and the Timbre Rock & Roots Festival in Singapore April 15.