No More Lilith?

Don’t expect “Lilith Fair” to play your town this year or, apparently, any year. So says Lilith co-founder Sarah McLachlan.

It’s no secret that the 2010 Lilith didn’t achieve the box office success it was known for when the female-centric concert tour first appeared in 1997 and took to the road each summer through 1999. Revived 11 years later, last year’s Lilith experienced light sales resulting in some shows being canceled or downsized to smaller venues.

Now it looks as if McLachan is finished with Lilith. According to Canada’s Globe And Mail newspaper, comments McLachlan recently made while in Calgary for a performance indicated the tour had run its course.

“It’s done,” McLachlan said, according to newspaper. “And that’s okay. It’s actually a good thing.”

“[It’s] about learning more from our failures than our successes, and it was a beautiful organic event that happened at a point in time when it was really needed. And bringing the same thing back last year really didn’t make any sense, in retrospect, without due diligence being done on how women have changed. Because in 12 years, women have changed a lot. Their expectations have changed, the way they view the world has changed, and that was not taken into consideration, which I blame myself for.”

But McLachlan isn’t completely writing off Lilith. The artist also said she’s thinking of applying ideas from Lilith and “maybe doing something new and different.”