Stage Shuffles Top Roles

Dutch theatre producer Stage Entertainment has altered a couple of its top exec posts and is launching a new division to focus on international touring.

Erwin van Lambaart, general manager of Stage Entertainment in The Netherlands, switches Aug. 1 to the new role of chief content officer, which will make him responsible for all international productions including “The Lion King,” “Dirty Dancing” and “Wicked.”

Stage is believed to be looking for someone to replace him as head of the Dutch branch of the company and to run Joop van den Ende Theaterproducties.

Caspar Gerwe, who’s currently general manager of Stage Entertainment France, is moving on to run a new division called Stage Entertainment Touring Productions, which will create touring productions of shows such as “Mamma Mia!” “Cabaret” and Stage’s “Holiday On Ice” brand.

The company will produce touring musical productions, using the touring expertise of “Holiday on Ice” in stadiums in combination with the solid brand reputation Stage Entertainment has built up for specific musical titles.

Stage, which has been headed by Henk Kivits since company founder Joop van den Ende stood down, has offices in eight countries.
Its worldwide productions are collectively playing an average of 35 shows per day.

Kivits reportedly believes the changes at the top are important to Stage’s development over the next five years.

The company owns productions such as “Sister Act,” “Ciske,” “Ich war noch Niemals in New York,” “3 Musketeers,” “Petticoat” and “Beyond The Horizon.”