Who Is Next To See Stars

Indie band I See Stars is the second Whooznxt.com-identified rising star to be rewarded with an appearance on ABC’s “Jimmy Kimmel Live.”

The group’s May 31 television appearance is the reward for adding 25,000 new fans in one month as detected by Whooznxt.

Whooznxt also announced a deal with Kevin Lyman to place new bands on the Vans Warped Tour – one of the many exposure opportunities being put together by Whooznxt to help with new artist development.

One of the cornerstones for helping build new artists is the Pollstar Live Network of nightclubs now being assembled across the country. Every day club owners are inundated by bands they have never heard of seeking to play their rooms.

The Pollstar Live Network will ease much of the screening burden away from participating clubs that will be offered free performances by new artists who have demonstrated a quantifiable fan growth.

There is no charge for clubs to be part of the network, which is launching this summer.

For more details, call Steve Macfadyen at 760-992-5841.