Function(x) Taps Managers

Robert F.X. Sillerman has tapped four top digital media and entertainment vets to join the management ranks at his latest venture, Function(x).

Chief Marketing Officer Chris Stephenson most recently held the same position at Interscope. Prior to that, he held positions as GM of global marketing at Microsoft Entertainment and senior VP of marketing for MTV and VH1.

Chief Techonology Officer Geir Magnusson was a VP of platform engineering for Gilt Group and did similar work for Joost, Intel, IBM/Glucode and Bloomberg. Head of Business Development Greg Consiglio was executive VP of business development at Ticketmaster and Head of Product Mike Sommers was previously senior VP of product management for KickApps, a provider of enterprise social media software.

Function(x) aims to “establish a new platform for investments in the media and entertainment, with a particular emphasis on digital and mobile technology.”