Mick Jagger’s Super Heavy New Band
New York Post first reported on the supergroup earlier this morning by noting that Jagger had been “secretly” recording with the other musicians. The story quoted an anonymous source that said, “the name for the band at the moment is Super Heavy.”
Stewart, who is best known for being one-half of Eurythmics, responded to the Post’s story by tweeting, “woke up this morning to page six !!! get the real story at Rolling Stone online later today.” Four hours later he linked to the story on RollingStone.com and added, “this music will blow your mind 🙂 It blew mine”

Rolling Stone, which confirmed that the band is called Super Heavy,” reported that the group formed two years ago after Stewart called Jagger from his home in Jamaica. The two musicians brainstormed about experimenting and mixing different musical styles. Phone calls were made and they eventually decided to team up with Stone, Rahman and Marley.
Super Heavy met up in a Los Angeles studio roughly 18 months ago without preparing any music.
“We didn’t know what the hell we were doing,” Stewart told the magazine. “We were just jamming and making a noise. It was like when a band first starts up in your garage. Sometimes Damien would kick it off and then Joss would sing something on top of it. We might have a 22 minute jam, and it would become a six minute song.”

Jagger described the music as “wide-ranging – from reggae to ballads to Indian songs in Urdu.” He said he’s enjoying playing guitar and harmonica as well as sharing vocal duties with three other singers.
“It is a different kind of record than what people would expect,” Jagger said. “It’s not all weird and strange though. I think Stones fans will think it’s a bit odd, but they’ll find most of it accessible. They’ve heard me play harmonica before and a lot of it is pretty high energy.”
Super Heavy’s debut album is expected to be released sometime around September. Although no tour plans are in the works Stewart told Rolling Stone the group is open to the possibilty if “we’re rehearsing and it sounds great and people love the idea.”
Rolling Stone wrapped up its story by sneaking in a question about the Stones’ potential 2012 tour plans. Jagger said he didn’t have an announcement to make, adding that he was “just doing this right now.”
The Rolling Stones last toured in 2007. The band’s most recent studio album is 2005’s A Bigger Bang.
Click here for the New York Post story.
Click here for the Rolling Stone story.
Click here for Dave Stewart’s Twitter page.