Paulina Rubio Wants To Bar Media From Deposition

Paulina Rubio Wants To Bar Media From Deposition

Singer and actress Paulina Rubio wants the media barred from attending a deposition by her manager in a Miami breach contract lawsuit.

Rubio’s lawyers are asking a judge to keep reporters out of Thursday’s scheduled deposition by manager Marya Meyer. They say it would lead to a media circus and cast Rubio in a poor light. The judge is holding a hearing Thursday morning on the motion.

Rubio was sued in 2010 by Miami-based CMG Entertainment over her failure to show up at a concert in Tunja, Colombia. The lawsuit seeks just over $985,000 in damages.

Photo: John Davisson
Pepsi Musica Super Bowl Fan Jam, Miami, Fla.

CMG Entertainment opposes closing the manager’s deposition. Its lawyers say Rubio hasn’t shown sufficient legal cause to bar the media and that her status as a star isn’t a good enough reason.