Ticketfly’s New Tool

Ticketfly has added an analytics dashboard to its suite of services, allowing clients to guage more effectively the success of marketing programs, where to target consumers and the overall health of their businesses.

While several ticketing companies have rolled out social media-focused platforms, the analytics dashboard could be unique in offering venues, promoters and talent buyers the real-time ability to see where every ticket buyer starts in the process of buying a ticket, according to the June 28 announcement.

“Ticketfly touches all areas of its clients’ business – ticketing, social marketing, website and email – and is therefore the only company that can provide real-time analytics for its clients relating to ticket sales, referrals, website traffic and email sends,” the company says of its latest product.

It also provides ticket sales data analysis for past and future events, as well as into the number of sold and unsold tickets, gross and sell-through rates. The dashboard provides data on referring websites including social marketing efforts such as Facebook, including number of visitors, page views and time spent on site, among others.

A client has the ability to view ticket sales data, broken down by source, on an event-by-event basis or over a specific time period, including pie charts that show, for instance, what sites ticketbuyers clicked through from, whether Google, Facebook, the venue’s own website, or from an email.

“Ticketfly’s mission has always been to arm our clients with more and better data than they’ve had access to historically,” Ticketfly co-founder and CEO Andrew Dreskin said in a statement. “Every day promoters commit herculean sums of money without access to any real empirical data. Those days are over.”

Here is a video demonstration:

New Feature from Ticketfly on Vimeo.