Angry Lineup Spurs Policy Change

The James Brown Arena in Augusta, Ga., has changed its policy regarding ticket lineups following one fan’s account of an incident during which he was allegedly “bullied and berated” by venue staff.

James Morgan claims he got to the venue bright and early one morning in March to score tickets to Sugarland but faced a rude awakening once he was there.

“I have never [before] seen, nor experienced what happened to me on Friday, March 11,” he told the Augusta Chronicle.

He explained that after lining up, he was approached by an angry mob that told him they’d slept in their cars and were first in a line that started elsewhere. Staff at the venue then reportedly told Morgan he’d be arrested by police if he did not go to the back of the line.

Morgan was not arrested, but voiced complaints with Global Spectrum, which manages the venue, and members of the county Coliseum Authority that owns it.

Following a recent board meeting, Authority chairman Cedric Johnson told the Chronicle the starting point for future lineups will be clearly marked.