T In The Mud

A deluge turned the Balado site at Kinross into a quagmire but T In The Park tickets sold out in February and 85,000 festivalgoers weren’t going to let the weather spoil the fun.

They took it all in stride and police chief superintendent Craig Suttie said the crowd’s mood and behaviour was “excellent throughout the weekend.”

Crime figures were down, with 53 arrests made between the opening and Foo Fighters closing the event July 10.

That compares with 64 arrests at the same time last year, 59 in 2009 and 69 in 2008. Most of the arrests were for drugs, theft and breach of the peace.

Event organiser Geoff Ellis said it takes more than a deluge to dampen the “great-natured and carnival spirit of the crowd.” He rated it “one of the best – and safest – T in the Parks ever.”

The other acts helping T In The Park sing in the rain July 8-10 included Coldplay, Beyoncé, Pulp, Tom Jones and The Arctic Monkeys.