Denver To Host Free Beach Boys Concert.

The famed Southern California group will help Denver mark the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

Not only did word of the free show make news throughout the country, but the event announcing the show garnered some interest as well.

About 100 people including teens, kids, families and senior citizens turned out to view pieces of steel girders and parts of an elevator engine from the World Trade Center. Draped with an American flag while being transported through Denver, the pieces will eventually go on display at the city’s Counterterrorism Education Learning Lab, according to the Denver Post.

Photo: AP Photo
Members of the Colorado Army National Guard stand watch in Denver over steel artifacts from the World Trade Center.

In addition to The Beach Boys, Colorado Lt. Governor Joe Garcia announced the concert, dubbed “California Remembers 9/11,” will also include performances by the Colorado Symphony and the Colorado Children’s Chorale.

Regarding the choice of bands for the event, Denver Mayor Michael Hancock said “you can’t get more American” than The Beach Boys.