Dolly Wins Bus Brawl

Dolly Parton’s November run through Chugg Entertainment was almost derailed when it got tangled in Australian Customs red tape.

This after the tour sold 100,000 tickets.

The problem was the massive tour buses Parton insists on taking wherever she tours as a home for herself and her entourage. Customs ruled it was too large and overweight for local regulations.

That the left-hand vehicles had doors that opened onto traffic (Australians drive on the left side) were also of concern to some state authorities.

In July Chugg Entertainment GM Matthew Lazarus-Hall appealed to Infrastructure and Transport Minister Anthony Albanese to intervene.

Albanese’s office spent two months working with federal and state authorities to solve the problem, which cleared its final hurdle in late September.

Photo: AP Photo
O2 Arena, London, UK

Parton said that Albanese would get “a huge cuddle” when she arrived downunder.