No Radiohead On Wall Street

4 p.m. Eastern Time came and went without a surprise Radiohead concert on Wall Street today.

Rumors spreading via social media websites claimed the Brit band was to play a secret acoustic gig at Zuccotti Park as a show of solidarity for the “Occupy Wall Street” folks protesting Big Business on Wall Street for the past couple of weeks.

Even though Radiohead’s press representative flatly denied the concert would take place, various other parties involved with the protestors insisted that individual band members had confirmed the concert.

Photo: AP Photo
Thom Yorke of Radiohead on the Park Stage at Glastonbury Music Festival.

Apparently many fans sided with rumors claiming the band would appear despite the official denial. Hundreds of fans filled the park in anticipation of the rumored event, according to the New York Daily News. However, people realized it was all for naught when one of the protest’s organizers sent an email saying the show was a no-go.

“I got hoaxed,” Patrick Bruner emailed. “Radiohead was never confirmed. Completely our fault. Apologies. The band were victims in this hoax as well.”